Git + Stash: Set up Self-Signed SSL Certificate in Windows

Trusted SSL Certificate in a Browser

As I mentioned in a recent post that I use Atlassian Stash to manage my git repositories. It has some great features especially when it comes to setting up user permissions. It also integrates with JIRA and SourceTree since they’re also Atlassian products.

I wanted to be able to use my repositories while I was on the go so, naturally, I wanted the transmission to be encrypted HTTPS/SSL. Stash uses an Apache Tomcat server to serve up both the admin pages and the repositories themselves. It’s not totally clear on how to set up a self-signed SSL certificate on Windows (their documentation focuses on Mac’s, mostly) and there are a couple issues that they don’t even discuss.

This post covers how I generated the certificate, got Windows to trust it and set up git so that it could connect to both my Stash server, and externally hosted servers such as github.

Let’s get to it.

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SourceTree: Fix for Slow Operation on Windows

SourceTree Screenshot

This post discusses an issue I had with Atlassian’s SourceTree software and my firewall. I originally thought that SourceTree was just slow and didn’t work well on Windows, but I recently found out it was actually my anti-virus and firewall that was causing the issues.

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Subversion – Move folder in one repository to its own repo (in Windows) using svndumpfilter

I recently wanted to clean up a subversion repository of mine and move some of the larger folders/projects into their own repository. There’s not much documentation on how to do this in Windows (what I primarily use) which is the main reason why I wanted to share this info.

Now, in the past, I’d moved whole repos using the svnadmin dump command, but now I had to make sure that I only got revisions related to a specific folder. Fortunately, there’s this handy little program that comes with subversion called svndumpfilter. This little tool lets you filter out revisions from an svn dump based on a path in the repo. It will even renumber the revisions for you so that when you load the new dump file into it’s own repo, the revisions will all be in order starting from revision 1.

Ok, let’s get to it!

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